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Freeze-dried Peach contains 100% fruit and no additives.

Peaches are sweet and juicy fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family and the Prunus genus.


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Peaches have a round shape with a slightly flattened bottom and a velvety skin that can range in color from yellow to orange or red. Peaches have a fragrant aroma and a soft, juicy flesh surrounding a hard pit at the center.


Freeze-dried fruits are crunchy and have a clearer taste, which is why they allow you to enjoy the flavors of summer even out of season. 


Freeze-dried fruits are incredibly light, which makes the amount of 30 g a large package. They are an excellent alternative  compared to artificial sweets or other highly processed snacks. 


We can take a package of freeze-dried fruit with us for lunch to school, work ... it is a great healthy snack.  


Freeze-dried fruit can be used in many ways that give a lot of scope for showcasing in the kitchen:

  • As independent fruit snacks
  • For salads or main dishes (e.g. sweet potatoes with feta cheese, parsley pesto ... etc.)
  • In compotes, desserts, ice cream
  • In cakes, jellies, puddings
  • Fruit teas ...


Product weight 30g

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